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Rowsley road closure

There have been traffic problems as a result of some waste pipe renewal work that Severn Trent is currently undertaking in Chatsworth Road and Dale Road North, Rowsley. 

Following multiple recent complaints, the project team had a meeting with Highways to discuss how the situation could be improved and came up with the following actions:

  • The project team hopes to move the traffic light head on Chatsworth Road closer to the junction with Dale Road North by this Friday 31 January, giving road users another 60 metres to queue before reaching the parked cars on the Chatsworth approach.
  • Additional signage is to be placed at the Chatsworth House exit advising motorists that there are roadworks at the Rowsley junction and asking them to turn right to go through Bakewell to avoid disruption.
  • The number of workers manually controlling the traffic lights between 7am and 7pm each day is to be increased at the weekend.


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