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Ladybower drawdowns

The Environment Agency can provide you with a free notification for when a drawdown from Ladybower Reservoir will take place.

The message will let you know when the drawdown will begin and warn that river levels will start to rise. You can receive the message by signing up to Flood Warnings by calling Floodline on: 0345 988 1188. You can select to receive the messages by phone, text, or email.

Please be aware that drawdowns can last from several days up to a couple of weeks. Take extra care if you are planning to be in or near to the River Derwent when a drawdown is taking place, as river levels will be higher.

You can check the local river levels by using the River and Sea Levels section of the Environment Agency website. The current and last 48 hours of river level data can be viewed for gauging stations at Yorkshire Bridge, Chatsworth and Matlock.

River and Sea Levels online is available from:
Flood warnings are issued when there is a risk of flooding and may be issued when the reservoirs are full to capacity and spilling.

You can find out more information about the Upper Derwent Valley at the Leisure and Learning section of Severn Trent Water’s website. It provides details about the Upper Derwent visitor centre and activities you can do in the area.

For more information read the “Guide To The Drawdown Process at Ladybower Reservoir” HERE

Categorized: Environment

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