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Introducing Layouts

A new way to define your website structure

Layouts are groups of presets defining the visual presentation of your pages, allowing you to precisely control the details such as orientation, and header and footer areas.

Do you need a left aligned logo with a hamburger menu navigation? You can quickly create your Layout preset and use it across the entire website, or associate it to a specific page. By choosing among several header and footer preset combination, you’ll be able to create a unique style for your pages.

Header presets

An header preset consist in a logo, one or more menu navigation areas, and additional elements such as a search or a cart icon: creating a unique combination is just a few clicks away.

Mobile presets

No matter what layout you choose for desktops, on mobile devices you’ll be able to change the header appearance completely, like choosing a different logo and navigation, or change the arrangment of elements entirely.

Top and bottom bars

Top and bottom bars are all-rounder content areas powered by WordPress widgets that are placed before and after the regular header, and they’re useful to display social links or a secondary menu navigation.

Footer presets

Footers are conveniently divided in two main areas, the footer itself and a footer bottom area. The first one can be arranged in a classic columns format, while the other could hold additional information as copyright.

Each footer column is a widget area, that can be quickly created thanks to a built-in system, so you have unlimited content possibilities right at your fingertips.


Easily adapt the header elements colors to your page design thanks to a powerful skin system.

Extra elements

Additional header functionalities like search or a cart if you are using the WooCommerce plugin.

Fully responsive

Your Layouts look great on every device.

Accessibility Toolbar