Here is an update report from Graham of Baslow Environment Group
How are we doing?
Well I think we’ve come a long way since our first meeting in October. We now have 50 people on the mailing list and great attendance at the four meetings we’ve had so far. The land theme has three areas of potential activity.
The churchyard – one of the few public areas in the village and close enough to the school to involve children and families. This could be the place where small projects with an educational value take place – small scale planting and habitat creation.
Chatsworth – at the last meeting we had a great presentation from Ben who manages the landscaping team. He is keen to develop a range of volunteering opportunities including restoring habitats and conducting surveys of birds and river life. Ben has offered to run two tours after Easter so we can get a feel for his vision and how we can share it.
Possibility of planting oaks on a local farm.
Bird Group – a lively group has been established with a WhatsApp group of all things. Bird boxes have appeared in the churchyard and a swift box in the tower. Now they’re planning bird walks around the village to help people identify birds and birdsong. These things matter: if you can’t name something you don’t really value it.
Energy group – will organise an information day about renewable heating, insulation and transport during the year.
There is support and finance available to undertake a feasibility study of hydro energy generation from the weir. There are a good number of case studies locally which we can learn from.
Travel & Transport – we can explore the alluring possibility of a cycle path to Hassop Station across Chatsworth. And then tackle how we can campaign to to improve bus services.
Website – Phil has made us a beauty with a logo and all:
It just need beautiful things to go in it – not bad progress!
Next steps: Teams & Structure
We have an idea of what we could do to make our bit of the world more habitable.
The way to make that difference is to form teams who do stuff together. Slow and steady and making sure we have fun along the way. Obviously, teams need people to lead and people to join. Could you be one of those people?
We also need to consider forming a Community Benefit Society, which is like a charity but less onerous. This will enable us to:
1. Raise money (we currently owe Phil £5.92 plus VAT for the website domain)
2. Manage risk and liability
3. Commission feasibility studies
4. Make decisions
Would you help to form a Community Benefit Society?
(PS. There may be other ways of achieving this – let me know if you think that too).
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 27 March at 7.30 at the Devonshire Pub (Hatters Room)
Please have a think and come along with your ideas and how you might be willing to contribute.