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Environment Group update

Headlines from last meeting

Lots of people came and we welcomed some new faces.

Ben, George and Chris from Chatsworth chipped in their ideas about land and biodiversity, volunteering opportunities and the hydro electric generation on the estate.

Ben is planning 2 trips around the Chatsworth estate to show the projects we could be involved with.

Ian will be running bird walks to help people learn about the feathered friends living in and around Baslow.

Each of the 3 themes now has a leader and we have formed a steering group to figure out how we get organised.

Our next full meeting is Wednesday 22 May 7.30 at The Devonshire Arms, Baslow

Best wishes

Chatsworth opportunities

The Chatsworth estate contains a huge variety of habitats: grasslands, woods, ponds, streams and plenty of scrubby areas. Ben and his team are working hard to enhance these areas for wildlife and they need volunteers to help them.

This is a unique opportunity and we’re hoping to create a range of projects from regular volunteering to one-off events which will engage younger people.

Ben is running 2 estate tours to show us behind the scenes and to  explain what’s involved. I’ve done this already and it’s fascinating. And you get to ride in a tractor trailer and everything.

Dates are:
Tuesday 7 May at 5.00pm
Tuesday 21 May at 10.00am

Places are limited so please contact me to book and for more details:

Bird walks

Truth is, if you don’t know the name of something you don’t value it, or inquire about it or understand it.

Ian has a huge knowledge of birds and their lives and is fascinating on the subject. He is running Bird Walks on the following days

Evening walks: Tuesday 14 and Sunday 19 May at 8.00pm
Morning walks: Wednesday 15 and Monday 20 May at 8.00am

Each walk will start from St Anne’s porch and will last about an hour.

To book please sent a text (only) Ian: on 07771 808017 and start your message ‘bird walks’. See website for more details:

A great opportunity, not to be missed.

Getting organised

In the last newsletter I asked for people who will be prepared to lead the activities of each of the three themes. And I’m delighted that 4 great people have volunteered to do so.

Land & Wildlife: Graham Dale & Ian Johnston (Birds Group)
Energy: Peter Barlow
Travel & Transport: Tony Buckham

We have also got volunteers for a steering group to decide how we structure ourselves so we can make good decisions and apply for funding. The steering group comprises: Graham Duncan, Peter Barlow, Graham Dale, Tony Buckham, Ian Johnston and Ian Widdows.

There is room for more and we’d particularly like some gender balance to the group!

Please let me know if you’d like to be involved:

Visit our website:

Categorized: Environment

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