Keep Baslow Beautiful
With Spring in the air, many of us are looking at our gardens and beginning a Spring tidy up. Some important items to note:
- Please ensure that any shrubs or trees that overhang your boundary do not block footpaths or the highway. Hedges should be tight to the boundary wall with the road or pavement and there should be no overhang below 2.5m.
- There are no byelaws in Derbyshire Dales prohibiting bonfires or limiting the times when a bonfire can be lit. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, a statutory nuisance includes “smoke, fumes or gases emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance.” In practice a fire would have to be a recurrent persistent problem, interfering substantially with neighbours’ well-being, com-fort or enjoyment of their property.If you are having a bonfire, we recommend the following to minimise the risk of causing a nuisance to your neighbours:
– Advise your neighbours before you have a bonfire
– Only burn dry material
– Never burn household waste
– Consider which direction the wind is blowing, to avoid smoking blowing into Neighbouring gardens
– Never use oil, petrol or other accelerants to light a bonfire - Another regular issue in the Parish is dog poo. Please pick up your dog poo. It can be discarded in any public waste bin.
Parish Council Communications & Support
The Parish Council has a mailing list to send out information relevant to the Parish. If you are not already on this and wish to be, then please email the Clerk at
If you are on the mailing list but have not received any emails recently, please check your spam folder. Please add the email address to your contacts.
If you wish to make any comments, requests or complaints to the Parish Council, please email the Clerk on Please do provide your name, if you wish for your comments to be anonymous, please let the Clerk know. The name and address of those making representations is crucial in enabling the Council to establish who and where representations come from so that comments can be given appropriate weight and for transparency. Any anonymous representations will be given limited or no weight in deciding a way forward.
Chatsworth Events 2024
Chatsworth reopens on 16th March. Below are details of the main events taking place this year, including details of fireworks. Details of all events in 2024 can be found here:
- Friday 17th-19th Chatsworth International Horse Trials on the Park
- Friday 24th- Monday 27th Kids Festival in the Garden
- Saturday 25th Derbyshire Charity Clay Shoot in the Park
- Thursday 6th- Sunday 9th Chatsworth Garden and plant fair in the Garden
- Friday 5th Friends Garden Party in the Garden – include Fireworks
- Saturday 13th Classic Ibiza in the Park
- Sunday 21st Masters of Motoring event- Great British motor show in the Park
- Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd Opera in the garden
- Friday 30th – Sunday 1st Chatsworth Country Fair – Whole Site
- Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd Bonfire in the Garden – Includes fireworks
- Saturday 9th – Sunday 1st Chatsworth Christmas markets in the Park. The restrictions put in place for two of the weekends in 2023 will be in place every weekend this year; namely, cones on the bend by the Village Shop and signage at the bottom of Eaton HIll and School Lane. Additionally there will be signage for Bubnell Lane every weekend too.
Planning Applications
- NP/DDD/0224/0167 – 5 Stoney Furlong Road, Baslow – to add a rear extension, relocation of doors and windows and rear roof extension
- NP/DDD/0224/0157 – Brynawel, Eaton Hill, Baslow – side extension to provide a lean to porch
- NP/DDD/0224/0121 – Holly Trees, Derwent Drive, Baslow – Dormer extensions, garage conversion and internal alterations
- NP/DDD/0124/0047 – Pinecroft, 16 Eaton Drive, Baslow – Pending
- NP/DDD/0124/0020 – Ladywell House, Bar Road, Baslow – Two storey extension to form enlarged kitchen with bedroom above and enlarged ground floor lean-to utility room – Withdrawn
- NP/DDD/1223/1511 – Belmont House, Eaton Place, Baslow – To extend the existing ground floor bedroom to provide a large en-suite, with bed and sitting area – Pending
- NP/DDD/1223/1516 – 11 Church View Drive, Baslow – Proposed garage extension to dwelling – Granted conditionally
- NP/DDD/1123/1324–Bubnell Hall, Bubnell Lane, Baslow – Listed Building consent – Replacement window to ground floor WC. – Pending
- NP/DDD/1023/1256 and 1255 – Greystones Cottage, Gorse Bank Lane, Baslow – Replace existing conservatory with new garden room extension – Pending
- NP/DDD/0823/0971 – Apple Tree Well Cottage, Gorse Bank Lane, Baslow – Alterations and extension to dwelling – Granted conditionally
- NP/DDD/0623/0661 – Land North Of Cock Hill, Nether End, Baslow – Erection of 3no. entry level exception (affordable) homes, incorporating the landscape and ecological enhancement of the balance of the land – Pending – Planning Committee on 8th March granted conditionally
- NP/DDD/1222/1617 –Springview and Moorview, Stonelow, Eastmoor – Demolition of the existing two residential dwellings and associated outbuildings, erection of a replacement dwelling, access, car parking, works of hard and soft landscaping and other works incidental to the application proposals – Pending
- LDC Certificate – Spring View, Stonelow, Eastmoor