If you’re a Derbyshire resident and you use Derbyshire County Council’s household waste recycling centres please register to continue to do so. Their nine recycling centres are provided for people living in Derbyshire and the new registration scheme will ensure that those using the sites are entitled to use them. Find out more and register […]
Christmas refuse collections
Derbyshire Dales District Council has announced their schedule bin collections for the Christmas and New Year period. For more information visit: www.derbyshiredales.gov.uk/waste
Waste & recycling survey
Derbyshire Dales District Council is carrying out a survey on behalf of their waste contractor Serco. They would be grateful for your help in answering a series of questions relating to the current waste and recycling collection service provided in the Derbyshire Dales. The survey will take around 7 minutes and will help DDDC to […]
Bin collections are changing
IMPORTANT REMINDER Bin day changes for nine in every ten Derbyshire Dales households start from week commencing 18 September 2023. DDDC posted leaflets to every home in the district informing you which day your bins will be collected from 18 September onwards. These should have all landed by the end of last week. If you […]
Christmas bin collections
Here are details of the waste collection dates for the Christmas and New Year period. Please note, that to have your Christmas tree taken away you need to subscribe to the garden waste scheme and leave the tree at the end of your property between 3 and 27 January on your green recycling day.
Food waste update
Please be aware that from 1 March 2022 all food caddy collections have been suspended due to the permanent closure of the privately owned Vital Earth reprocessing facility in Ashbourne. This means that residents are being asked to put their food waste in the domestic waste containers for the next four weeks. While Derbyshire Dales […]