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Parish Council

Baslow Environment Group meeting

Update from the Baslow Environment Group Great turnout again and loads of ideas and information – it felt like we’re making progress. BIRDS WALKS. Birds have been spotted by people who haven’t spotted them before. In a small but important way people have learned to see and love the world differently. TRACTOR TOURS around the […]

Defibrillator update

Thank you to everyone who attended the defibrillator training and Parish Meeting last month. Attached are the notes from the Parish Meeting. If you have any questions or comments please let me know. Sarah Porter Clerk to Baslow & Bubnell Parish Council M: 07866 695132

Parish Council Update

Councillor Vacancy There are now two vacancies for Parish Councillors on Baslow and Bubnell Parish Council. One vacancy will be filled by co-option and the other is currently open for an election, if an election is not called then this will also be filled by co-option. Would you like to represent the views of the […]

Parish Council update

Keep Baslow Beautiful With Spring in the air, many of us are looking at our gardens and beginning a Spring tidy up.  Some important items to note: Please ensure that any shrubs or trees that overhang your boundary do not block footpaths or the highway.  Hedges should be tight to the boundary wall with the […]

Are wood burners safe?

The following article has been submitted by a group of Baslow residents concerned that wood-burning stoves may be harmful and that this harm may not always be appreciated by users. The Parish Council neither supports or opposes the views expressed but is facilitating its distribution to allow further and open debate. Wood burners produce a […]

Parish Meeting summary

Baslow & Bubnell Parish Meeting 30 January 2024 – Summary Cllr Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained although the meeting has been convened by the Parish Council, it is not a Council Meeting and its purpose is to allow the various organisations in the village to come together, exchange information and report on […]

Flood relief

Derbyshire Community Drop in events for residents and businesses affected by flooding during Storm Babet The Environment Agency in partnership with Derbyshire County Council are arranging a series of public drop in events for communities affected by flooding. The events will be an opportunity for residents and businesses affected by flooding to discuss their concerns […]

Travellers in Baslow?

UPDATE ON POTENTIAL SITES FOR TRAVELLERS IN DERBYSHIRE DALES Baslow & Bubnell Parish Council has issued the following statement in relation to a report (linked below), which was published for discussion at a DDDC Full Council meeting on Thursday 28 September: The parish councillors understand that there was a recommendation to use Station Yard at […]

Parish Council update

Here is a round-up of the latest news from Baslow & Bubnell Parish Council. New Councillors In May the elections were held.  There are 10 seats in Baslow and Bubnell, and seven were filled at this time. The remaining three vacancies were filled by co-option at the Parish Council meeting on 18 July 2023. The […]

Parish Council update

Planning New: NP/DDD/0523/0586 – Rose Hill, School Lane, Baslow – Demolish existing conservatory and replacement with single-storey extension to rear of property Existing: NP/DDD/0423/0455 – Holly Trees, Derwent Drive, Baslow – Rear extension, garage conversion and Internal alterations NP/DDD/0323/0270 – 17 Bakewell Road, Baslow – Installation of PVCU conservatory to rear of property – Granted […]

Parish Council update

Community Speed Watch Baslow and Bubnell has had a very successful Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme.  However, this relies on volunteers and we now need some more to be trained. CSW is a national initiative where active members of local communities join with the support of the police to monitor speeds of vehicles using radar […]

List your business

For the last few years, Baslow & Bubnell Parish Council has dropped its annual charge for local companies to have their own presence on our website, which was done in recognition of the financial difficulties faced by businesses during the various lockdowns.  At a recent meeting, the Parish Council agreed to continue to suspend any […]

Parish Meeting 16 June

What is a Parish Meeting? Every English Parish must have a Parish Meeting (Local Government Act 1972, s13(1)). This meeting consists of the local government electors registered for the area for which it is held i.e. all those who have a right to vote. The meeting must be held each year between 1 March and 1June, […]

Winter Festival’s future

David Dawson, the Secretary of the Baslow Festival Group, has written an open letter to the people of Baslow explaining the group’s proposals for the Winter Festival. David would also like to hear the views from anyone in the village about the future of this event. Dear Resident The Winter Festival was set up in […]

Baslow Charities’ update

Baslow School and Curbar School have both received cheques for £247.60, which is part of a tradition dating back over 300 years, as David Dalrymple-Smith. In the early 1600s a small endowed school was started at Stanton Ford, giving a free basic education to 10 children, four from Baslow and Bubnell, and two each from […]

Duchess opens new Bike Track

On Sunday 12 September, the Duchess of Devonshire formally opened the new bike track that has been created within the Baslow Woodland Park. The new bike track has been designed and created by two Baslow residents, Simon Turton and David Robins, who worked together with the Parish Council to deliver the new community facility. Since […]

Baslow Better Together

Come and join us on Sunday 12 September for an afternoon of entertainment on the Baslow Sports Field, from 2-6pm. There will be plenty of things for all the family, including: Tea garden Bar & BBQ Garden games Bouncy castle 3 local live bands Community dancing And much more! This is a free event, so […]

Annual Parish Meeting

Parish Meeting – Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall The annual Parish Meeting for Baslow and Bubnell will take place on Wednesday 21 July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall (pandemic permitting). The Parish Meeting is an opportunity for residents, businesses and organisations to come together to update one another on village […]

Keep Baslow Beautiful

Over the last few weeks local residents and councillors have been out working hard in support of the Keep Baslow Beautiful campaign. On Saturday 22 May the working party that turned up to help clear Bubnell Lane was joined by Mervyn Shepherd (who now farms at Bubnell). He scraped the edge of the road and […]

Universal Credit

Due to the impact of Coronavirus over 5.5 million people are claiming Universal Credit. Many of them are new to claiming Universal Credit having been negatively impacted by Coronavirus.  If you or anyone you know is experiencing financial difficulty they should have a look at the Universal Credit guide:  

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